
Hello! I am Braedon Dillon. Cloud Architect and DevOps Specialist.

I'm passionate about providing innovative cloud infrastructure solutions. I have expertise in cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, and I am experienced in designing and implementing scalable and secure cloud architecture.

I also have experience as a DevOps specialist with experience in tools such as Docker, Kubernetes, and Gitlab CI/CD. I'm skilled in automating infrastructure provisioning, testing, and deployment, and I really enjoy leveraging DevOps to achieve greater efficiency and agility.

Basic Information
(289) 716-5900
Ottawa, Ontario
Professional Skills
Gitlab CI/CD
Work Experience

January 2023 - Present

Bell Media
Cloud Engineer

I work on the Bell Media Cloud team. We are a platform team that works with tenants to assist in their cloud transition. I work primarily as a Cloud Architect but I am also a DevOps prime on my team. In this role I use tools including Terraform, Gitlab CI/CD and Ansible to automate infrastructure creation and application deployment.

August 2022 - January 2023

Bell Media
DevOps Specialist

I worked on the SNL Infra and DevOps team supporting several large channels such as CTV and TSN. In this role I created a large variety of Gitlab pipelines and helped create processes to simplify creation of future pipelines. I also used Terraform and Ansible to help deploy application and this began my journey to the Cloud

May 2022 - August 2022

Bell Canada
Security Intern

I worked with the Security Operations Center (SOC) with a focus on DevOps for security tools development. I created Gitlab pipelines to automate the deployment of new releases and created a variety of custom Docker images to support application requirements. While in this position I also noticed a potential internal security issue and spearheaded a transition to HashiCorp Vault for secret management.


2019 - present

Bachelor's Degree
Bachelor of Computer Science: Network Computing Stream

Carleton University

2017 - 2019

Bachelor's Degree
Bachelor of Information Technology: Network Technology

Carleton University / Algonquin College

I spent two years in this program before deciding I was much more passionate about the application and infrastructure sides compared to the network side. I chose to switch to a computer science program to follow that passion

Contact Me
Feel free to contact me


Ottawa, Ontario


(289) 716-5900

